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PACE Resources - April 2023 Update - Barbara Canepa

Dear carers,

Welcome to springtime! Who knows what this next season is going to bring?

In my spring cleaning attempts, I have come across some very helpful “classics” in my TED talk collection. It reminded me that, sometimes, we need little, brief reminders of what being PACEful might look like, in order to keep going in our mission to therapeutically parent our most vulnerable, traumatised children and young people.


Catherine Price - "Why having fun is the secret to a healthier life"


Steve Gross - “Playfulness is a superpower"



"How to be more accepting of others" 


Rita Pierson - "Every kid needs a champion"

This is one of the most fun and inspiring speeches I've ever come across.

Ryan Folan - "Do this one thing to spark curiousity, engagement and connections"



Dr Paul Furey - "How empathy works - and sympathy can't" p>


Enjoy these snippets of encouragement and inspiration. Keep being amazing and do not forget we always hold you in mind.



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