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Nick Wrench

Nick wants to bust some of the myths surrounding who can foster and who can do it well. As a single parent, 58-year-old Nick appreciates that he is not what most people would consider as a typical foster carer.

“It can be incredibly busy at times doing it alone but it’s also extremely rewarding and gives me a sense of purpose. It just shows that those from all walks of life can foster it successfully”.

Nick has chosen specifically to foster teenagers and finds working with this age range very positive. He's been fostering children for 16 years.

"They have often had many chances taken away from them already and experienced much disappointment," says Nick. "They often crave some stability and routine. I love showing teenagers that there is a better way and instilling some self-worth in them, so they can have a happier life”.

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"I'm not what most would consider as a typical foster carer. It just shows that those from all walks of life can do it successfully."